Volunteer Opportunities

Crafting For Cats
Join our volunteer crafters who use their skills to make items for us to sell in the shop, items we need for rescue including carrier and trap covers, surgery recovery shirts, collars and more.
We also recycle fabric to make the liners for other rescues in need.
Join our Facebook group today!

Event Volunteer
Most of our funding comes from product sales online and at events like craft fairs and more. We can always use relief help to cover breaks and to help spread the word of the work we do.
You get to support cats and gain access
to our events for free.
Watch our Facebook and Events page for opportunitues

Opening your home to one of our kitties helps us focus on other kitties in need. We will give you everything you need to be successful and to take care of the kitty(s).
Click the link below to learn more and apply to open your home to a kitty in need!
CLMe Retail Shop
Are you passionate about cats and people?​
We are looking for people who want to volunteer their time to help cover our retail associate positions.
Every penny of profit goes straight to our rescue efforts and is responsible for 75%+ of our funding.
Email us for more information!